Where can I get help understanding my Vodafone Business Marketplace bill?

You can view, download and pay your monthly bill in your My Vodafone account

Apps you've purchased and manage in Vodafone Business Marketplace will appear on your bill as Software and Services.

In My Vodafone you can:

  • Check the total of your bill
  • View the monthly cost of your services
  • Download a PDF of your bill
  • Break down the charges for each app
  • Keep track of your current charges

What do I see on my bill when I first purchase an app?

You'll see an item with the charge from your purchase date until the 1st of the following month.

What happens if I make a change to the number of licences?

When you make a change to the number of licences for an app, three charges will appear on your next bill:

  • For total number of licences from the date you requested the change until the end of the billing period
  • For total number of licences from the date you requested the change until the end of the billing period
  • For the original number of licences to the point of the change

What happens if I cancel all of my licences for an app?

Depending which subscription type, you might be charged an early termination fee (ETF). You can find out more in our terms and conditions

Will I see two entries on my bill for one app?

If you're on an annual contract you'll see one entry each month.

Any month that you make a change in, you'll see two entries.

If you're on a 30-day rolling contract, you'll see two entries on your bill each month. This is from the beginning of the month until the day before your renewal date, then from the licence renewal date until the end of the month. In the first month, you'll only see one entry.

Example of a 30-day rolling contract bill:

Example of a 30-day rolling contract bill

Why am I not seeing Software and Services on my estimated charges?

Depending on the type of app you've purchased, your Software and Services charges will be added to the licence renewal entry or day one of the next month.

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